Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Pride Prayer Service

Tonight (June 23, 2021), my church had its (hopefully) first Pride Prayer Service. I spoke (call it a sermon, a message, or whatever) briefly. Below is what I said.

You can listen to the sermon here. The audio is a little different from the written because I always make minor edits along the way as I read it out loud.


Welcome and well come to Christ the Servant for our 2021 Pride Prayer service. When I was first thinking about what I wanted to say tonight, I was going to talk about Pride and its importance. However, about a week and a half ago, I heard a line in a tv show that gave me something to really think about and I wanted to offer some thoughts. The show is Love, Victor and the line is, “I’m not giving up on God. I’m giving up on you.”

Before I talk about the line, here is a little background. Love, Victor is a tv show set in the same high school as 2018’s Love, Simon. In the first season of the show, Victor; a Latino high school student; slowly comes to grips with the fact that he is gay. The first season ends with him saying, “Mom and Dad, I’m gay.” His dad is surprisingly good about adjusting, but his very religious mother Isabel has a much harder time. And this is not helped by a homophobic priest who tells her that Victor will not know God’s Love. When the priest says this same thing to Adrian, Victor’s younger brother, Isabel confronts him. She has managed to mostly start her journey of acceptance and affirmation, and she tells the priest that she and God both love Victor. She then quits her position at the church and the priest tells her not to give up on God. That is when she utters my favorite line of the season: “I’m not giving up on God. I’m giving up on you.”

See, queer people who are religious have heard this line or something like it so many times before. We are told that we are dirty, unclean, perverted, unloved, and damned to perdition merely because we are who we are. We are told that we are choosing a lifestyle that is antithetical to the Bible and that God will reject us. We are told that we cannot be a part of the church. Some churches will “accept” us, so long as we are quiet about who we are and don’t cause “scandal”. Some churches outright refuse to let us be members, fearing that we will “corrupt” people and lead them away from God.

But here’s the thing: Those of us who choose to stay in churches, particularly affirming churches, aren’t rejecting God. We are rejecting the organizations that reject us. We are rejecting the teachings that tell us that we are less than others or that we are second-class citizens. We know that God’s Love is all inclusive. We know that God Loves us all wholly and completely. We have faith that God, who is the Parent to all of us, will be there for us even if our biological or religious families reject us.

As we heard in the letter to the Ephesians: “You are included in God’s holy place and are members of the household of God.” Or as it says in Romans 8:38-39: “For I am certain that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, neither heights nor depths—nor anything else in all creation—will be able to separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus, our Savior.”

God’s love is whole, complete, and unconditional. We cannot earn it, we do not need to earn it, it just is. God loves us, not because She has to, but because They choose to. God made us all and made us just the way He wanted us to be. Whether that is gay, straight, lesbian, bi, pan, or asexual, whether that is trans, cis, non-binary, or agender, or any of the other glorious and beautiful possibilities that I may not have mentioned, you are a child of God, created by God, loved by God, and perfect just as you are. Know that, feel that, and accept that. And if you need to hear it, just let me know. I’ll say it again: you are a child of God, created by God, loved by God, and perfect just as you are.

If you’re an ally, please make sure that all of the queer people in your life know this and hear this often. When there is a world telling us how much of a burden we are, how twisted we are, how unnatural and corrupted we are, we need to hear from people who know that that is just not true. And don’t just mouth the words, make sure they are known through actions and deeds. If you see people spouting homophobic or transphobic things, say something. If you see someone who is queer struggling with being accepted because of who they are, show them that they are loved. Actions speak much louder than words and are more readily remembered.

If you are queer, know that there are churches who will accept and affirm you because of who you are. Not in spite of it, but because of it. You are beautiful, colorful flowers in the garden of life that God has made. Your queerness is sacred, it is holy. It is a part of you and you are sacred and holy too. Know that even if there are churches which reject you, God does not reject you. God Loves you and wants you to live a whole and complete life. That is Pride. Living who you are to the best of your ability. If there is someone out there who is queer, even if we don’t know it, know that you are loved. Know that you are a part of a community that will embrace you and help you and love you. It can be messy at times, but that’s family. That’s community.

So remember that line: “I’m not giving up on God. I’m giving up on you.” Remember that giving up on homophobic churches doesn’t mean giving up on God. It means giving up on structures or organizations or people who hurt you. Come to know the loving embrace of God. Come to know all the love that is there. Above all, know this: you are a child of God, created by God, loved by God, and perfect just as you are.
